Texas is known for its horrific spring storms that bring amazing lightening shows, damaging hail the size of golf balls and deadly tornadoes.....and then just as quickly as they come, they are gone.
Unlike 95% of the population who can sleep like a baby in a thunderstorm, I cannot even sleep if there is heavy rain. It is not because of fear or worry, it is just the sounds of the storm that keep me awake. While roaming through the house most of the night I looked in on my daughter fast asleep in her bed and I could hear my husband snoring all the way into the kitchen. I was curious if the dog had made her way to the shop and was resting in her bed and I wondered where the cat was hiding since he hates storms. As I stood at the back door and watched the beautiful lightening show I gave thought to how something this beautiful could be the companion to such destruction.
I called my mother to check on her and she only spoke of how bad the storm was and how there is water in the yard and things were blown around and how she was up all night worrying. As I am listening I look outside. The sun is now shining and it is another beautiful day in Texas. I keep listening and then try to interject with a "But look how pretty it is now" and my comment goes unnoticed. There is just sadness and negative comments about how bad the storm was. Nothing I could say would make her see that all is now right again. When I call again later I know we will discuss the storm again and I am certain she will have found more damage the storm has done.
Our lives are much like a storm...Lightening, Hail and Destruction. We are blessed with an abundance of beauty and light, we are often damaged by situations that come our way and sadly we know all too well the heartbreak of death and destruction.
The way we viewed this storm is the way we live our lives. My mother will dwell on the bad, even though it is now over and she will let it ruin her day. I will remember the beautiful show and be thankful that everyone I know made it through safely. Others are not so lucky. I am grateful.
Some storms last longer than others. Some storms leave behind damage that requires massive cleanup. Some storms will change our lives forever. We have a choice; we can let it consume us and ruin whatever good we have in our lives or we can seek peace in knowing God has made sure that there has never, ever been darkness that was not followed by light and there has never, ever been a storm that was not followed by sunshine.
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