Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prom is in the air- duck and hide!

With the rains gone, everything in bloom and the sunshine making everything feel like spring, Spring Fever has affected every teenager I know. No one wants to sit in a classroom no matter how exciting the teachers try and make it. For girls, thoughts go like this: “the square root of 5 is..….five hours until I can go tan….tan-the color of the shorts I saw at the Buckle, buckle-I saw a cute belt at Forever 21….$21 is all I have for the movies Friday night” and it goes on and on.  Before you know it class is over and NOTHING has been absorbed regarding the lesson. The teacher mistook those wide eyes staring off into space as doors to a brain that was thinking of the lesson at hand. Pshhh, yeah right.  That same teacher acts shocked when test time comes and there is no grade over 85 and the few who made that grade guessed on 50% of the answers.  Spring Fever is viral.  It has taken over the body and minds of our youth. There is no cure. We must all just sit back and let it runs its course.

And if the fever was not enough to make an adult crazy, Prom is thrown smack dab in the middle of the chaos. The focus is much more intense on Prom then it was on Spring Break so this gives you some sort of idea of what we parents are going through. From one day to the next Prom plans change. There are so many emotions regarding who is asking whom, who is wearing what, who will be the most fun group, who will look the prettiest, which guy will be the most handsome? Guys start acting like jerks because they do not understand the female perspective on Prom. Girls then get even more emotional and can not understand how they can be so nonchalant about this important event. Listen up guys, IT IS NOT about you at all! Not the least little bit. DO NOT take it personally! It is about the dress and shoes and hair and make-up and nails and tans. Oh they will tell you it is because they want to make you proud and happy to have chosen them as your date. Lies! All lies! It is a great thought and the girls have the best intentions but at the end of the day it is all about them. They can’t help it. Magazines and stores flaunt all the sparkle and glitz starting in January. The sales clerks all but call the girl “homely” if she is not asked to prom and does not wear a $300 and up dress. Other girls start being even more catty than before and start talking crap about each other's outfits and Prom plans are thrown into every conversation. Good friends are now not speaking to each other because a guy asked a girl that some other guy wanted to ask and a girl said yes to a guy that some other girl wanted to go with. Ahhh....can you feel the love?

Ask your moms guys, we did not spend this much money or fuss on our own weddings! It has all gotten out of hand. But as parents and dates of the girls we must endure and get through the next few weeks.

Gentlemen, take my advice and save yourself much aggravation between now and the big day…….voice your opinion ONCE. Tell them what you would like to wear ONCE. Suggest a restaurant ONCE. Then get out of the way. Hopefully on the eve of the event, these beautiful ladies will once again have some sort of sane thought in their heads and you will have a good time and they will make it up to you. However, if you feel they are getting too out of control during the process, agree with everything they say and then wear a chartreuse tux with a top hat and cane, put streamers on your truck, pick her up and take her to Arby’s for dinner and then call it a night!  

Happy Prom ladies and to all the guys I say “Bless your heart. You hang in there Sport, it’s almost over!”

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