Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Sacrifice of Lent.

During the Lenten season, aside from the  “No meat on Ash Wednesday or every Friday until Easter” we each choose another vice to “give up” to prove that we are obedient and can make sacrifices. When I woke up this morning and realized it was Ash Wednesday I knew I had but a couple of hours to make my decision.

Let me start by saying I am the first to admit that I am not the most obedient Catholic. I believe in what the Catholic church stands for and I adore our Blessed Mary. I believe that the host and wine are the body and blood of Christ and I believe in the power and importance of Saints. There are some things that I do not agree with but I think I will keep those private since this blog is not about religion. I have never questioned why we do not eat meat on Fridays of Lent. I just don’t. I also never questioned why we gave up something for 40 days. I just do.

I have been thinking all morning of what would constitute a sacrifice on my part.
Chocolate or other desserts? I am already on a diet so this would only benefit me further.
Wine? Okay I can do that without much effort.
Coffee? Well, this would be a sacrifice that would put me in the hospital or nut ward so I do not think God wants me to do that! J

What is Lent really about? How does Lent affect ME? After much reflection I have come to the conclusion that Lent should be about giving up something that prevents you from giving to someone else; a sacrifice that benefits someone deserving.  In light of this revelation I need to GIVE of myself by taking away something that consumes my time.

Hmmm….what consumes me and takes up my time……FACEBOOK AND TWITTER! Egad! Can I do it? Can I cut myself off from my FB family? I made a half-hearted attempt last year so I need to prove to myself I can do it. Only one way to find out!

Okay now that I know what I am giving up, what will take its place? What can I “give” in those extra 5 minutes a day?  Wait! My inner voice is laughing hysterically. 5 minutes? How about 2 hours? No way! I am on FB and Twitter two hours a day?  Goodness, I am now excited. The possibilities are endless. Maybe this year I WILL make a difference in someone’s life!

As you approach Lent, think about giving instead of sacrificing. Just think about how much you have to offer and how wonderful it will be to share yourself with those that need you!  

Now go get your ashes on!

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