Tuesday, April 21, 2015

And then God said "Good morning"!

This past week has been hard for me. A dear friend of mine passed away unexpectedly, my mother is still having a hard time with her broken wrist and other illnesses that life has dealt to her, my daughter had yet another wreck and time runs out each day before all my tasks are completed. I have not forced myself to exercise or eat right. I believe I am in a funk. I have not felt this heartache since my father died. You know, that deep wrenching pain in your chest that you feel at any moment may truly be the death of you? Yep, that pain. I find tears streaming down my face throughout the day. My whole body feels so heavy. I truly just want to curl up in a ball in my bed and stay there. This morning was no different. I dreamt of my dear friend and woke with tears in my eyes. As I type this I have tears hitting the keyboard. God knows how much I loved Janet and how grateful I am for having known her. I pray she knows what an impact she had on my and my family's life. But when I got up this morning with a heavy heart I saw the sun streaming through the shutters. It never does that since they are truly well made and block out the light. However on this particular morning my bedroom was bright with light. I stood for a moment and looked at the shutters and then I opened them.....Holy Moly, what a beautiful day! And that is when I heard God say "Good morning! Count your blessings today and leave the rest to me!" It is then I laughed at the memories of the past two days with my grandson. He is such a gift. I looked outside and saw the rewards of all the hard work my husband puts into our yard to make it a safe haven in Paradise. Beautiful. I read a text from my daughter saying she was safe at school. Grateful. I thought of how amazing my son and daughter in law are and how much I love them! Blessed. God forced me to think of the many blessings he has bestowed on me. One of those was my dear friend Janet. I still hurt and tears still flow for my loss. However, I know that God had a plan and that although she surely would have chosen to stay with all of us, she is truly healthy, happy and whole waiting on us to come home. Now I must find a way to be glad with that knowledge and trust in Him. "Good morning, God! Thank You for sending the light."


  1. Sissy, Hugs for your loss, and she sounds like she was a blessing. Glad Raychel is safe, I did not know she was in another wreck. Yes, I understand the heartaches we all deal with. This has been a rough start to my week as well. Glad God called upon you this morning to share your heartache as you reach out to us. I know it has been way to long since I have seen you. It is sad, that you live so close yet we don't see each other. Love ya, Chris

  2. Love you too Chris! And NO MORE EXCUSES! WE have to meet up.
